Fashion editor of Esquire magazine will give you tips on how to improve your style, find the best pieces, recognize what IS THE BEST FOR YOU, every Friday from November 28th to December 26th (18 to 22h) in multi-brand store Fashion & Friends in Ušće shopping center.
All visitors who buy some of the clothing items at Fashion & Friends multibrand store, Esquire team will take their photos. Pictures will be posted on our FB page if the customer exactly answer the question: "Specify one of the key pieces of the current season?". The task has not been complicated because the answer will be found in the December issue of Esquire's pages on "Stylish tips for the 21st Century."
Everyone will be able to vote for the best outfit, a man whose outfits gets the most likes will win Fashion Company voucher in the amount 15,000 dinars for purchase in the shop FASHION & FRIENDS.