For over 40 years we have been directly managing or acting as regional distributors for some of the biggest internationally recognized apparel and footwear brands in the fashion industry. [ … ]

Fashion Company is an organization with a functional structure. This type of organization allows us a high level of specialization  for employees and can easily adapt to the needs of a company that is constantly [ … ]

We believe that a strong position at home is crucial for maintaining references abroad, so the entire model of successful business in Serbia is a significant benchmark for further development in the [ … ]

Retail Strategy of Fashion Company is based on innovation and diversity and that is what makes us different from competition. Considering that our retail is constantly growing and developing with new openings [ … ]

About Us

Fashion Company is the largest retail company in the region of Southeast Europe that deals with fashion and fashion retail and wholesale with over 100 retail outlets in Serbia and the region (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Albania). Brands that Fashion Company represents belong to the class of world-famous modern urban brands such as Diesel, Levi’s, Tommy Hilfiger, Calvin Klein, Scotch & Soda, Replay, Timberland, Camper, Cesare Paciotti, Bata, Liu Jo, Guess, Mango, Desigual, Inuikii, Mou, Paciotti 4US, UGG, and many others. The specificity of the business of Fashion Company is the offer of a wide range of clothing, footwear and accessories, mature retail, famous world brands and geographically different but always premium locations on which it operates.

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Through continuous dedication to the most modern promotion methods that are in line with world trends, we offer our customers 365 days of the year innovations in shopping experience setting standards in the field of retail. In addition to the refined concept of multibrand shop, where Fashion & Friends is a pillar, in the sphere of digital communication, we stand out from the competition by recording social media campaigns on a monthly basis as a kind of style guide for brand fans from our portfolio. They are followed by specific retail actions designed to motivate you to shop. In the end (but not least), the team gathered around the choice of decor, music and other details in the retail presentation takes their work seriously and dedicated, so we always have something new and interesting when you enter one of our stores.


Fashion Company regularly introduces and applies modern technological achievements that create a full atmosphere in the shops and contributes to the overall pleasant ambience. Through video panels placed in carefully selected places, we create a special note of modern interactive informative platform. This way, by visual-innovative approach in the shops, we informe customers about latest news from its favourite fashion brands. In order to better understand the needs and habits of our customers, we use modern monitoring and analysis systems that enable us to create specific sales and communication strategies. On the other hand, the company applies advanced statistical systems in order to analyse all business operations, which an importan basis of every sucesfull business planing.


Fashion company represents brands that, by their actions and business, give a positive example to others in the field protection and preservation of the environment. The production of textiles, clothing and footwear, which today represent the key elements of the fashion industry, according to various research is considered one of the largest environmental polluters. In order to reduce this negative impact, the fashion industry introduces different concepts of sustainable development such as eco design, new fiber technology, recycling, conscientious water consumption, etc. Among the positive practices are the famous brand Timberland, which makes its soles from recycled materials, then Guess, who through the application of the eco bag sends a message on the importance of nature protection, then Mango devotes the entire collection to a sustainable fashion approach etc.


The year has started well, as shown by all of our commercial parameters. These results were also supported by a relatively good macroeconomic environment across the region and continuing positive trends from the previous year. Our retail network has increased due to investments in further expansion in Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro and Macedonia, which we continue from e-commerc through time. We are pleased to note that our results are also recognized by rating agencies, and Bisnode has estimated our rating of ‘triple A’ in terms of credit rating over the past three years. The trends observed at the Group level also reflect on the local level: all of our nursing firms recorded growth in the first quarter of 2018.


The best way to see the seriousness and professionalism of the Fashion Company as a system is to see the most important number of parameters that support this.

People working
Million instore visitors per year
Retail outlets
Our Skills & Expertise

What we’re good at

The results that we achieve in the region of Southeast Europe on an annual basis are the best testimonies of our achievements.


What we’re good at?

Distributing international fashion brands 0

Developing new retail concepts 0

Fashion expertise 0

Planning and data analysing 0

Great Marketing 0

A trendy quotes

The campaigns and the models in them create the fantasy around the brand. It has always been about having strong images. Without that, we could not have gone into all the categories we did. It really has been the foundation from where the house of Guess was built. At the beginning, we didn't have the money to pay big names, which is how looking for new faces began a tradition that still continues 30 years into the Guess history. It's been interesting to follow their careers after a Guess shoot, for both photographers and models, because the exposure around the world becomes so huge.

-Paul Marciano, GUESS

A trendy quotes

American style is about confidence, independence, diversity and free expression. The road to success is not easy to navigate, but with hard work, drive and passion, it's possible to achieve the American dream. Victory is about recognizing all the work that went into achieving your dream.

-Tommy Hilfiger, TOMMY HILFIGER

A trendy quotes

Diesel pioneered the idea of luxury denim, and we still drive this market. But it encompasses more: the consumers love the brand, the lifestyle, the mentality of Diesel. I am continually influenced by the feeling that music culture captured in the late 60s - for my generation, it was a time to rebel, against our parents, against everything.

-Renzo Rosso, DIESEL

What they said

In nearly three decades of existence on the market of Serbia and the region, Fashion Company has worked very successfully with numerous personalities from the public scene as well as representatives of reputed media outlets. See what they said about us?

Ana Stanic

I have been cooperating with Fashion Company for a few years to my great pleasure because they are professional and wonderful people, and the choice of brands makes them one of the leading fashion oasis in our country.

-Ana Stanić, Pop zvezda

Danijela Jovanovic

Cooperation with Fashion Company is actually working with a team that has a commitment to business, creativity and the desire for constant improvement of business and offer. The central impression through the years of cooperation is that their ambition is contagious and approach to business in the spirit of top standards.

-Danijela Jovanović, direktorka „Attica Media“ Srbija

Milan Nikolic

Working with Fashion Company is extremely dynamic and creative. Our cooperation is distinguished by mutual understanding, synergy and visionary approach. Continuous exchange of ideas and efficiency make this relationship intellectually and creatively stimulating.

-Milan Nikolić, urednik „Esquire“ Srbija

Misa Obradovic

It is always a pleasure to work with people dedicated to their business, people who know exactly what they want and have a clear vision of the final product, while they are creative, cooperative and full of positive energies that make the job a pleasure. That is Fashion Company team.

-Miša Obradović, modni fotograf

Nadja Jokanovic & Nina Milovic

The marketing team Fashion Company among the first in Serbia recognized our creative potential and trusted us, as its strategic digital partner, to give us the opportunity to create appearances on social networks. Exchange of ideas, partnership, support, moving borders on the domestic and regional markets – that is how we see the cooperation between WANNABE Media Creative Studio and Fashion Company.

-Nađa Jokanović & Nina Milović, osnivači „Wannabe Magazine“

Petar Janosevic

I can not remember the wise words of the British philosopher George Edward Moore who said: "A man travels the world in search of what he needs, then returns home and finds exactly what he asked for." My very experience in working with Fashion Company is a true reflection of Moore's words because Fashion Company is a world in Serbia.

-Petar Janošević, urednik „Harper’s Bazaar“ Srbija

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Muzička zvezda Bad Bunny je zaštitno lice nove Calvin Klein underwear kampanje.

Otkrij novu kolekciju u Calvin Klein monobrend radnjama, Fashion&Friends multibrend radnjama i online. 

#Repost: CalvinKlein

Muzička zvezda Bad Bunny je zaštitno lice nove Calvin Klein underwear kampanje.

Otkrij novu kolekciju u Calvin Klein monobrend radnjama, Fashion&Friends multibrend radnjama i online.

#Repost: CalvinKlein

43 0
Nova Replay proleće-leto 2025 kolekcija je stigla u prodavnice. 

Otkrij novu kolekciju u svim Replay monobrend radnjama, Fashion&Friends multibrend radnjama i online.

 #Repost: Replay

Nova Replay proleće-leto 2025 kolekcija je stigla u prodavnice.

Otkrij novu kolekciju u svim Replay monobrend radnjama, Fashion&Friends multibrend radnjama i online.

#Repost: Replay

13 0
Superdry Preppy Arrivals: Inspirisan klasičnim preppy stilom, Superdry donosi modernu interpretaciju kultnih komada uz savršenu ravnotežu udobnosti i urbanog šarma. Od polo majica do college jakni, preppy era je ponovo u fokusu! 

#Repost: SuperDry

Superdry Preppy Arrivals: Inspirisan klasičnim preppy stilom, Superdry donosi modernu interpretaciju kultnih komada uz savršenu ravnotežu udobnosti i urbanog šarma. Od polo majica do college jakni, preppy era je ponovo u fokusu!

#Repost: SuperDry

11 0
Sa dolaskom proleća, Liu Jo donosi kolekciju inspirisanu Suncem, svetlošću i neopterećenom elegancijom. 

#Repost: LiuJo

Sa dolaskom proleća, Liu Jo donosi kolekciju inspirisanu Suncem, svetlošću i neopterećenom elegancijom.

#Repost: LiuJo

18 0
Detalji koji govore sami za sebe ovog proleća uz Patrizia Pepe SS25. 

#Repost: PatriziaPepe

Detalji koji govore sami za sebe ovog proleća uz Patrizia Pepe SS25.

#Repost: PatriziaPepe

32 0
Diesel kroz objektiv @dizdar_el : I dalje ne prestaje da se priča o Diesel modnoj reviji sa Milanske nedelje mode. Otkrij novu kolekciju proleće-leto 2025 u Diesel monobrend radnjama, Fashion&Friends radnjama i online prodavnici.

Diesel kroz objektiv @dizdar_el : I dalje ne prestaje da se priča o Diesel modnoj reviji sa Milanske nedelje mode. Otkrij novu kolekciju proleće-leto 2025 u Diesel monobrend radnjama, Fashion&Friends radnjama i online prodavnici. ...

47 1
Ovo nije samo moda, ovo je energija autentičnog stila. Nova Tommy Hilfiger kolekcija donosi odvažne krojeve, bezvremenske pruge i estetiku koja ne zna za kompromise. 

#Repost: TommyHilfiger

Ovo nije samo moda, ovo je energija autentičnog stila. Nova Tommy Hilfiger kolekcija donosi odvažne krojeve, bezvremenske pruge i estetiku koja ne zna za kompromise.

#Repost: TommyHilfiger

11 0
We are happy to announce that Steve Madden has made a stylish entrance in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina! ✨

To celebrate the grand opening, last night we organized a special event inspired by the energy of the city that never sleeps.

The event gathered brand enthusiasts, media representatives, as well as influencers.

We bring you a piece of last night’s good atmosphere.


We are happy to announce that Steve Madden has made a stylish entrance in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina! ✨

To celebrate the grand opening, last night we organized a special event inspired by the energy of the city that never sleeps.

The event gathered brand enthusiasts, media representatives, as well as influencers.

We bring you a piece of last night’s good atmosphere.


125 6
Ovim putem želimo da se zahvalimo našim izvanrednim koleginicama i svim ženama na snazi, posvećenosti i inspiraciji!

Vaša uloga u našem timu i društvu je nezamenljiva – svojim znanjem, predanošću i vizijom oblikujete budućnost i činite svet boljim mestom.


Hvala što ste deo našeg tima!


Vaš Fashion Company

Ovim putem želimo da se zahvalimo našim izvanrednim koleginicama i svim ženama na snazi, posvećenosti i inspiraciji!

Vaša uloga u našem timu i društvu je nezamenljiva – svojim znanjem, predanošću i vizijom oblikujete budućnost i činite svet boljim mestom.

Hvala što ste deo našeg tima!

Vaš Fashion Company

79 0
Camper spaja inovaciju i funkcionalnost, stvarajući obuću koja je spremna za svaku avanturu. Bilo to na zemlji, u vazduhu ili negde između. 

#Repost: Camper

Camper spaja inovaciju i funkcionalnost, stvarajući obuću koja je spremna za svaku avanturu. Bilo to na zemlji, u vazduhu ili negde između.

#Repost: Camper

25 0
U Guess radnji u Inđija Outlet Centru, uz svaki račun u iznosu od 15.000 RSD dobijate ranac na poklon! Akcija traje od 17.3. pa do isteka zaliha. Da li ste spremne za prolećne avanture? 🎁 

#Guess #LuxuryEssentials

U Guess radnji u Inđija Outlet Centru, uz svaki račun u iznosu od 15.000 RSD dobijate ranac na poklon! Akcija traje od 17.3. pa do isteka zaliha. Da li ste spremne za prolećne avanture? 🎁

#Guess #LuxuryEssentials

43 0
Steve Madden, sinonim za stil koji se servira sa stavom. 

#Repost: SteveMadden

Steve Madden, sinonim za stil koji se servira sa stavom.

#Repost: SteveMadden

27 0
Nova Liu Jo kolekcija nije za žene koje se uklapaju, već za one koje se ističu. Otkrij novu kolekciju proleće-leto 2025 i odaberite nove statement komade. 

#Repost: LiuJo

Nova Liu Jo kolekcija nije za žene koje se uklapaju, već za one koje se ističu. Otkrij novu kolekciju proleće-leto 2025 i odaberite nove statement komade.

#Repost: LiuJo

30 0
Nosi obuću koja odoleva vremenu i uvek donosi dozu sofisticiranosti i odvažnosti. Premiata predstavlja nepogrešiv izbor. 


Nosi obuću koja odoleva vremenu i uvek donosi dozu sofisticiranosti i odvažnosti. Premiata predstavlja nepogrešiv izbor.


11 0
Stabilan oslonac, lagan korak uz UGG. 


Stabilan oslonac, lagan korak uz UGG.


27 0
Uz kupovinu preko 25.000 RSD iz nove Marciano by Guess proleće/leto 2025 kolekcije, dobijate neseser na poklon! Ponuda važi samo u Guess mono prodavnicama. 🎁 

Akcija traje od 10.03. do 10.04.2025. ili do isteka zaliha.

#Guess #LuxuryEssentials

Uz kupovinu preko 25.000 RSD iz nove Marciano by Guess proleće/leto 2025 kolekcije, dobijate neseser na poklon! Ponuda važi samo u Guess mono prodavnicama. 🎁

Akcija traje od 10.03. do 10.04.2025. ili do isteka zaliha.

#Guess #LuxuryEssentials

40 0
Brzina i stil u istom kadru. HUGO i Yuki Tsunoda, vozač Formule 1, spajaju energiju trkačke staze sa modnim izrazom. Ova kolekcija pomera granice, baš kao i svaki krug na stazi. 

#Repost: Hugo

Brzina i stil u istom kadru. HUGO i Yuki Tsunoda, vozač Formule 1, spajaju energiju trkačke staze sa modnim izrazom. Ova kolekcija pomera granice, baš kao i svaki krug na stazi.

#Repost: Hugo

17 0
Guess: brend koji nas uči da stav govori više od reči. Kolekcija proleće-leto 2025 sada dostupna. 

#Repost: Guess

Guess: brend koji nas uči da stav govori više od reči. Kolekcija proleće-leto 2025 sada dostupna.

#Repost: Guess

17 0
Otkrij kolekciju Diesel aksesoara koji svaki outfit podižu na viši nivo. Od kaiševa i torbica do obuće s prepoznatljivim Diesel pečatom, dostupni su u Diesel monobrend radnji, Fashion&Friends multibrend prodavnicama i online.

#Repost: Diesel

Otkrij kolekciju Diesel aksesoara koji svaki outfit podižu na viši nivo. Od kaiševa i torbica do obuće s prepoznatljivim Diesel pečatom, dostupni su u Diesel monobrend radnji, Fashion&Friends multibrend prodavnicama i online.

#Repost: Diesel

28 2
Denim nikada nije izgledao ovako dobro kao u najnovijoj kampanji brenda Miss Sixty. Bella Hadid nam je dočarala kako modni klasik nikada ne izlazi iz igre, samo postaje moćniji. 

#Repost: MissSixty

Denim nikada nije izgledao ovako dobro kao u najnovijoj kampanji brenda Miss Sixty. Bella Hadid nam je dočarala kako modni klasik nikada ne izlazi iz igre, samo postaje moćniji.

#Repost: MissSixty

65 0
Calvin Klein i Elsa Hosk zajedno redefinišu bezvremensku senzualnost kroz čiste linije, jednostavne krojeve i neupitno samopouzdanje.

 #Repost: CalvinKlein

Calvin Klein i Elsa Hosk zajedno redefinišu bezvremensku senzualnost kroz čiste linije, jednostavne krojeve i neupitno samopouzdanje.

#Repost: CalvinKlein

14 0
Odvažno, drugačije, tvoje. Desigual donosi eksploziju boja, tekstura i uzoraka, pomerajući granice mode i slaveći autentičnost u svakom detalju. 

#Repost: Desigual

Odvažno, drugačije, tvoje. Desigual donosi eksploziju boja, tekstura i uzoraka, pomerajući granice mode i slaveći autentičnost u svakom detalju.

#Repost: Desigual

18 0
Nova kolekcija Patrizia Pepe donosi odvažan i moderan izraz ženstvenosti. Sa prepoznatljivim sportskim linijama i sofisticiranim detaljima, brend ostaje veran svojoj filozofiji, moćnoj ženi koja živi dinamično. 

#Repost: PatriziaPepe

Nova kolekcija Patrizia Pepe donosi odvažan i moderan izraz ženstvenosti. Sa prepoznatljivim sportskim linijama i sofisticiranim detaljima, brend ostaje veran svojoj filozofiji, moćnoj ženi koja živi dinamično.

#Repost: PatriziaPepe

17 0